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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility



Dosing scales «Норма-Т»

It is designed to account bulk products in the process of movement along the process stream (sugar, cereal, grain, granular product). And it is also needed for weight dosing of product when it is without package. Go to

Semi-automatic scale «Норма-C»

It's designed to bulk product packaging into bags open type (sugar, grain, cereal, seeds, granular product). Go to

Hopper scales «Норма-СБ»

Main purpose of use is packing of the finely divided bulk product: flour, dry milk, premix etc. into the bags of open type. Go to

Dosing hopper scales БДБ-4

Dosing hopper scales are designed for feedstuff components dosing (from 5 to 20 kg of each component). Go to

Micro-feeder МДК

Micro-feeder МДК is a module designed for exact proportioning of micro-ingredients (8-12 of ingredients) to a portion of concentrates. Micro-feeder allow to proportion from 50 to 100 kg. Go to

Dosing hopper scales «Норма-СР»

It is designed to account bulk products in the process of movement along the process stream (sugar, cereal, grain, granular product) to go to the bags. Go to

Device of liquid components input БРД

Device of liquid components input БРД is designed for automatic dosing of liquid components (sunflower oil etc.) into the weigh hopper. It is used for bulk feedstuff processing with liquid components at the feedstuff mills and small farms. Go to

Dosing scales "НОРМА-СМК"

Dosing scales are designed for filling soft containers. Go to

Semi-automatic filling complexes КАФ-1, КАФ-2, КАФ-3

Semi-automatic filling complex КАФ-1 is designed for prepacking bulk product like cereal, sugar, pasta, tea, drops, peanuts, raisins, breadcrumbs, meat dumplings, corns etc. Go to

Batcher in open-mouth bags

The weight automatic batcher for free-flowing materials DWS-301 is intended for batching of free-flowing materials in bags of open type. Go to

Batcher in bags “Big-Bag” with a reloader

The weight batcher in bags “Big-Bag” DWS-301-1000-1-P is intended for batching bulk materials into super sacks (“Big-Bag”). The batcher can be used for batching cereals, sugar, compound feed, mineral fertilizers, granules and other bulk materials. Go to

Weigh hopper for Big-Bag filling "Норма-СМК-Т"

After the end of dosing, the container is automatically released from the grip of the insert. Various options for removing full machines are possible. Go to

Dosing scales to a Big-Bag ДВС-301-1000/2000-1-П-1 (with an overloader)

Dosing scales ДВС-301-1000-1-П-1 is designed to prepack bulk products into bags of Big-Bag type. Go to

Dosing scales ДВС – 301-10-1

Discrete Dosing scales ДВС-301-10-1 is designed for the weighing and dosing of bulk and granule product to the bags. The machine also indicates on the digital display of the weight of the dosed product and, cumulatively, the total number of doses. Go to