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Flaking mills


Flaking mill ПС-400

The flaking mill is designed to flatten cereals and hulled grains while manufacturing oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, finely ground barley, corn, wheat, rice and other flakes. The specific features of this machine operation include cooled rolls, enabling to create optimal flattening conditions for the product to be flattened. Go to

Flaking mill ПС-600

The flaking mill is designed to flatten cereals and hulled grains while manufacturing oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, finely ground barley, corn, wheat, rice and other flakes. The specific features of this machine operation include cooled rolls, enabling to create optimal flattening conditions for the product to be flattened. Go to

Flatting machines

Flattening machines are designed to flatten cereals and hulled grains (kernel) while manufacturing oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, corn, wheat,rice and other flakes. The specific features of this machine operation include cooled rolls, enabling to create optimal flattening conditions for the product to be flattened.

Rolls of flattening machine are driven by individual motors. Minimum hole between rolls ∆ min is 0,1mm. The machine has feeding mechanism and mechanism of rough drop of rolls, device for installation of operating hole and cleaning of rolls. For compensation of separating forces, arising from flattening there are installed hydraulic gear manufactured by HANSA-FLEX with two hydraulic cylinders. The gear is equipped with automatic control panel based on industrial controller.
