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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Cracking and shelling machines


Drum dryer БС-1

Drum dryer БС-1 is designed for drying husks of sunflower, rapeseed, or soybeans (for future granulation, briquetting or for the selection of the oil-containing seed coat (film) located on the fruit husks of these crops). Go to

Husk separator СЛ-40

Husk separator СЛ-40 is designed to separate oil dust from the sunflower husk at extract oil plants. The customer can use this machine for sifting of sunflower meal and wheat cleaning. Go to

Flaking mill РП 400х600

Flaking mill РП 400х600 is designed for milling oilseeds of sunflower, rapeseed, soybeans, cotton, peanuts at oil extraction production. This machine is installed at flaking sections of oil extraction mills in front of screw presses and expanders. Go to

Flaking mill РП 600х750

Flaking mill РП 600х750 (hereinafter referred to as «the machine») is designed for milling and having petal of oilseed kernel of sunflower, rapeseed, soybeans, cotton seeds and peanuts at oil extraction production. This machine is installed at flaking sections of oil extraction mills in front of screw presses and expanders. Go to

Sunflower crushing machine РДП-1

Sunflower crushing machine РДП-1 is continuous motion machine designed for dehulling and crushing of sunflower seed and other oilseeds. It used at oil, feed and product industry. Go to

Soybean crushing machine РДC-1

Soybean crushing machine is design soybean processing at oil industry in extraction process. Go to

Crushing centrifugal machine РЦ-200

Crushing centrifugal machine РЦ-200 is designed for sunflower crushing at oil industry. Go to

Air fraction machine HBX

Air fraction machine HBX with capacity of 80 t/d is designed for fraction of hulled sunflower seeds. It used at the oil industry. Go to

Sifting machine ПНС-200

Seeds sunflower sifting machine ПНС-200 is designed for sieving of pre-cleaned seeds of sunflower alongside dividing oil kernel and husk during sunflower oil processing. Technical productivity of outlet product is 160 t/d minimum. Go to

Screening machines HPX-4, HPX-4-01

Screening machines HPX-4, HPX-4-01 are continual process machines designed to clean oilseeds at oil extraction plants. You can easily and quickly clean the sieves inside the machine. 1084 machines have been produced already. Go to

Screening machines HPX-8

Screening machine HPX-8 is continual process machine designed to clean oilseeds at oil extraction plants. Go to