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Hopper scales «Norma-TN2»

It's designed to bulk product packaging into bags open type. The scales have the construction that gives an opportunity to define the weight in a persistent flow of the product from the transporter or during selection from the accumulative hopper. Go to

Hopper scales «Норма-ТМ»

Hopper scales have special construction helping to determine weight in continuous stream of product while movement out of transporter or receiving hopper. Go to

Hopper automatic scales ВБА-1100-Э-300 (electric drive)

Hopper automatic scales are designed for weighing and accounting of bulk products. The scales can be completed with dust proof covers. Hopper scales ВБА with valves electric drive are so good to be used at elevators and grain terminals. Go to

Hopper scales «Норма-ТН»

Weighing bulk product in a stream (while flow). Supply adjusting. Prepacking of exact quantity of product in containers, discharging into transport. Dose control. Go to