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Scientific-industrial corporation


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Export of technological equipment for production lines to the Czech and Poland

At the end of February this year, SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” shipped technological equipment to the Czech Republic and Poland. This time our new customers were supplied to Poland with a sunflower seed husking processing line which consists of Screening machines HPX-4-01, and they also were supplied with Seed dehulling machine HBX, which designed to obtain a cleaned dehulled sunflower kernel for the purpose of its further processing into vegetable sunflower oil.


pea cereal production line

At the end of February this year, SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” shipped technological equipment to the Czech Republic and Poland. This time our new customers were supplied to Poland with a sunflower seed husking processing line which consists of Screening machines HPX-4-01, and they also were supplied with Seed dehulling machine HBX, which designed to obtain a cleaned dehulled sunflower kernel for the purpose of its further processing into vegetable sunflower oil.

The last large batch of equipment for the pea cereal production line was shipped to the Czech. As we said earlier, at this facility, both technological equipment and a shelf made of metal structures for placing equipment are being installed at this stage. In this batch, the following equipment was exported to Europe:

As we can see, the agricultural sector has become one of the rescuer of the Ukrainian economy by the end of the year. Ukrainians withstood a year of war and showed quite good results on the economic front in this difficult situation. Together we will achieve the prosperity of our native country. We are working and becoming close to our victory!

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