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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Customer loyalty: new contracts of regular customers

As known, customer loyalty is confirmation of high-quality technological level of work in practice. It means good quality of our equipment.


In the beginning of April, our company SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” supplied technological equipment to Eastern Europe for some regular customers. One of them is Lithuanian company, the biggest grain producer in the Baltic States. This company founded in 2003. It majors in grain processing to the groats like buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, wheat cereals, flour and flakes. All grain raw materials used in production are purchased directly from Lithuanian farmers, which ensures the best quality. The key place in the production is occupied by a buckwheat mill with a production capacity of 10,000 tons of buckwheat per year.

Our business relationship started in 2012. This time we supplied additional equipment to expand production: Plansifters PK-4, Air separators АСХ-10, Table separators МСХ. The customers values the quality of his products, the unique technology for the production of cereals allows you to achieve high-quality results.

Our next regular client is Latvian company, which render a full range of services for agricultural undertakings in the Baltic States and Europe. Company “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” has already carried out technical audit and inspection with full consultation and issuing the conclusions and technological schemes for the improvement of the grain processing. Now we have concluded the contract for equipment supplying for a few machines like Plansifters РК-2.

As known, customer loyalty is confirmation of high-quality technological level of work in practice. It means good quality of our equipment.

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