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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Modernization of enterprises of alcohol industry (distillery) - new trends and perspectives

In August of last year, the company “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” concluded some agreements for projecting, producing, equipment supply and assembling works of corn processing lines to get bioethanol and food alcohol. These lines have capacities from 150 t/d of grain to 250 t/d of grain.


corn processing

SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” took part successfully and won the tender for project and building of corn processing line for next step - production of food alcohol and bioethanol.

As you know, on June 15, 2022, the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine on stimulating the production of ethyl denatured alcohol” came into force. The implementation of this law contributes to the development of the alcohol market, an increase in demand in the domestic market for bioethanol, an increase in processing in the domestic market of grain, especially corn. We will talk about deep processing of corn - cleaning, degermination and grinding to the fractions, which necessary for efficient fermentation.

Why corn?The main valuable component of the grain, which directly affects the characteristics of ethyl alcohol, is starch. Corn as a raw material in ethanol technology has significant advantages over the main crops for the alcohol industry. It is due to starch content. By using corn as a raw for bioethanol, costs can be reduced by an order (significantly). This will increase the profitability of the alcohol enterprise. More starchy raw materials reduce the consumption of thinning enzymes and increase the concentration of the fermentation product.

In August of last year, the company “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” concluded some agreements for projecting, producing, equipment supply and assembling works of corn processing lines to get bioethanol and food alcohol. These lines have capacities from 150 t/d of grain to 250 t/d of grain. They locate in Chernivtsi and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine. According to the agreements, we`ve already supplied some equipment batches. They include the following machines:

We continue to accept the orders and sign the contracts, carry out projects of various grain processing lines and supply complete necessary equipment for them. We also carry out the assembling and commissioning works.

We will glad to advise and help with realization of any grain processing projects.

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