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SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” wins tender again

At the end of September, company SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” again wined tender of design and equipment supply for buckwheat mill with capacity 120 t/d.


At the end of September, company SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” again wined tender of design and equipment supply for buckwheat mill with capacity 120 t/d. This cereal mill will founded in Altay region (Barnaul city, Russia). As known, Altay region is very rich in crops. Noe this region is breadbasket of Siberia. It's one of the largest regions in Russia for arable land. Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the national economy there. Therefore, production of cereals in the region is one of the main and defining directions of development of the food industry.

Our company has supplied nine different grain processing lines to Altay for last 15 years. These are oat mills, universal cereal mills and several universal flakes processing lines. But the buckwheat mills are the most numerous!

We've supplied four buckwheat mills with different capacity. Now we producing tenth cereal mill in this region.

Inspite of pandemic and global crisis, industry of grain processing works and develops.

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