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Українська версія сайту

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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Development of flour mill production. New mills

Before the war Ukraine was one of the three world leaders in grain production and one of the five large exporters of the world. Ukraine ranked 5th in wheat production. In spite of the war with all the ensuing consequences for agriculture, agrarians actively carried out sowing in the spring. But the planned volume of grain production in Ukraine is expected to be 35% less than last year, as the cultivated area decreased by 21% compared to last year.


Before the war Ukraine was one of the three world leaders in grain production and one of the five large exporters of the world. Ukraine ranked 5th in wheat production. In spite of the war with all the ensuing consequences for agriculture, agrarians actively carried out sowing in the spring. But the planned volume of grain production in Ukraine is expected to be 35% less than last year, as the cultivated area decreased by 21% compared to last year.

However, at present the efforts of the world communities Ukrainian grain export agreement signed. Grain export from Ukrainian ports resumed. It means, the agrarians will be able to sell grain for export. But please note, Ukraine is outside the top 10 in terms of trade in flour products. Taking into account the situation of Russian aggression, many businessmen think about production and export of as finished product as flour.

Owing to logistics difficulty today, it is expediently and effectively to direct their capabilities to the production of flour from their own raw materials. For example, Turkey occupies a leading position in the supply of flour to the world market, despite the fact that cereal production there is relatively small. To a greater extent, Turkey buys grain, produces flour and sells it to many countries. Let's compare, the price of flour is 2 or even 2.5 times higher than the cost of grain. So, for many, it's time to restart!

Now our company regularly gets requests and orders for modules mills and other technological equipment for grain processing to flour.

Nowadays, our partner, enterprise PP “Melitor” builds the mill on the base of two Aggregate roller mills Р6-АВМ-15 for large producer of bread (by the way, you can see the characteristics of these mills from SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” on link).

Our company concludes new contracts not only with Ukrainian entrepreneurs, but also with companies in Europe, for aggregate mills and cereal mills producing. For example, now our company prepare mill for flour for Czech company.

We wish you to choose the right direction in your business!

We believe in the victory of Ukraine, in the victory of good over evil!

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