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Українська версія сайту

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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Universal cereal mill in Khmelnitsky region, Ukraine

Last year, one of our VIP clients from the Khmelnytsky region (Ukraine) ordered from us the design and supply of a set of equipment for a universal cereal mill with a capacity of 160 tons / day of grain. We've designed, installed and started-up the universal cereal mill for barley, wheat and pea processing line with a capacity of 160 t/d.


Universal cereal mill

There is a tendency to build up strategic reserves on the world market. The war against Ukraine was one of the reasons for this trend. Ukrainians will forever associate last year with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Russian invaders on our land. We were predicted to fall into the abyss. But already after the first days of the war, enterprises began to work again as usual. Cereal mills in the controlled territories resumed their work with maximum load, providing not only current needs, but also forming strategic reserves. Moreover, flour and cereal industrialists have invested their efforts in strengthening capacities and modernizing equipment at cereal mills and processing lines.

So, last year, one of our VIP clients from the Khmelnytsky region (Ukraine) ordered from us the design and supply of a set of equipment for a universal cereal mill with a capacity of 160 tons / day of grain. We've designed, installed and started-up the universal cereal mill for barley, wheat and pea processing line with a capacity of 160 t/d. It was the third large cereal mill (after buckwheat and oats mills) which we designed for this client. After the development of installation and technological documentation for the mill, several batches of technological equipment have been sent to the customers. It was sent the following basic equipment: Grain-cleaning separators БСХ, Air separators АСХ, Plansifters РК-4. Transport and aspiration equipment like bucket elevators of various lengths, dosing scales "Норма-ТМ", Сyclone cleaning rigs ББЦп with a rotary locks and drive etc. This mill has been also put into operation and actually reached its design capacity in January 2023. Thus, the Customer expanded the range of products and practically closed the entire line of the main types of cereals.

Already a year of war. For a year now, our courageous country, despite everything, has been fighting and stubbornly moving forward. And each of us is involved in this feat, showing fortitude and the will to win.

Glory to Ukraine! Slava Ukraini!

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