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In focus: New major projects for grain processing lines in Czech

Groats mini factory, grain-cleaning process line and pea cereal production line are three interesting projects (plants) from SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” in Czech. The plants fully based on our technological equipment. As we have mentioned before, the customer company is a qualified team of professionals that specializes mainly in healthy food - in the production of legumes, cereals and products of them.


Groats mini factory

Groats mini factory, grain-cleaning process line and pea cereal production line are three interesting projects (plants) from SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” in Czech. The plants fully based on our technological equipment. As we have mentioned before, the customer company is a qualified team of professionals that specializes mainly in healthy food - in the production of legumes, cereals and products of them. The quality of their food products is guaranteed by certification IFS Food - the International Featured Standard, which guarantee food safety and control product quality.

After equipment supply in full we`ve carried out quality control of the installation of the steel framework for the equipment location, and the installation of the main and additional equipment and communications as specified in the project documentation. The projects are starting the stages of commissioning works now.

Complex of the technical supervisions of assembling and commissioning works for Groats mini factory Р6-МКЦ-15, grain-cleaning process line and pea cereal production line is fully carried out by our specialists and adjusters. Fine tuning and detailed adjustments are made on the installed equipment, it`s necessary work in idle mode and with trial batches of grain before commissioning.

The next step is commissioning mode tests aimed at getting the equipment up to design parameters and ensuring economical operation of the equipment specified. Based on a technical report on the results of start-up, commissioning and testing, the facilities will be commissioned and started-up with maximum economic efficiency. Groats mini factory Р6-МКЦ-15 should have outlet of finished product of 80 - 85%. Pea cereal production line with productivity of 1 500 - 1 700 kg/h should have outlet of finished product (cereal pea halves) of 83 - 87%.

Long-term experience of "AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD" company, coordinated teamwork, individual approach to each client, complemented by the high level of professionalism of the team in common, became the reason of success and recognition of our company in the international market of technological equipment and production lines for grain processing into groats, flour, flakes and other various grain products "turnkey" in general.

Don't lose your time, contact a professional.

We will offer you ready-made and trusted complete turnkey solutions.

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