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Українська версія сайту

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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Drum dryer БС-1

Drum dryer БС-1 is designed for drying husks of sunflower, rapeseed, or soybeans (for future granulation, briquetting or for the selection of the oil-containing seed coat (film) located on the fruit husks of these crops).


Drum dryer БС-1 is designed for drying husks of sunflower, rapeseed, or soybeans (for future granulation, briquetting or for the selection of the oil-containing seed coat (film) located on the fruit husks of these crops).


Name of indicator БС-1
1. Outlet productivity, t/d 30 - 40
2. Rotations, RPM:
     - flail rotor 167
     - drying drum 20
3. Drying consumption, m3/h 4 500 - 5 000
4. Aspirated air consumption from drying chamber, m3/h 5 500 - 6 000
5. Installed capacity, kWt, max.:
     - rotor drive 5,5
     - drum drive 1,5
6. Angle of the flail to the rotor axis, mm/m 50
7. Dimensions, mm:
     - length 3 550
     - width 1 260
     - height 2 055
8. Weight, kg, max. 1 650
9. Characteristic of working area Harmless, volatile
10. Name of working area Seed coat of sunflower
11. Condition of working area Solid matter
12. Reliability indicators:
     - validity period without overhaul, years 3
     - validity period, years 5
13. Failure-free operation, hours:
     - sieve of sieve drum 7 500 - 8 000
     - rotor flails 7 500 - 8000
14. General material, closed to product steel 35 and 45
15. Characteristic of power grid 50 Hz, 380 V, with grounding wire

Product structure and delivery complete set:

Drum dryer includes equipment set for dried seed cover (husk) of of sunflower, rapeseed, or soybeans and necessary electric and additional equipment too.

Drum dryer includes:

Marking Name Number, pcs.
БС-1 Drum dryer 1
БС-1.РЭ Operation instruction 1
БС-1.ПС Passport 1


  1. Warranty period is 12 months since commissioning, but not more 15 months since loading.
  2. The manufacturer guarantees the normal stable operation of the drum dryer provided that the customer observes the rules of transportation, storage and operation.
  3. The warranty does not cover parts of the product that wear out quickly, namely:
    • Drum sieve (Sieve ЦС-
    • Rotor belt (Belt ЦС-
    • Bearings, belts, cuffs, seals.
  4. In the event that manufacturing defects are revealed during the warranty period, about which an act must be drawn up in the presence of a representative of the manufacturer, the manufacturer at its own expense eliminates the malfunctions as soon as possible.

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