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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Hopper scales «Норма-СБ»

Main purpose of use is packing of the finely divided bulk product: flour, dry milk, premix etc. into the bags of open type.


Main purpose of use is packing of the finely divided bulk product: flour, dry milk, premix etc. into the bags of open type.

Automatic gross and net dosing. Presetting of four (the quantity of doses may be increased) dose sizes is provided. Accounting of bags' quantity for each chosen dose.

Weight indication of product in a bag during the filling and definite weight of a bag after filling. The weigh hopper mounts on a storage hopper outlet. Pipe bend and utilization of dust is constructively provided in the scales hopper.


Name of indicators Норма-СБ
1. Capacity, dose/hour up to 240
2. Limits of dosing, kg 5 - 50
3. Inaccuracy of dosing according to DSTU OIML R61-1:2008:
     - from 5 to 15 kg inclusively, no more 0,5 %
     - from 15 to 50 kg inclusively, no more 0,2 %
4. Width of a bag, no less, mm 455 (250*)
5. Height with the hinged 50 kg bag, mm 1 640
6. Weight, no more, kg 90
7. Compressed air consumption at pressure of 4 atmospheres, no more than, m3/hour 0,4
8. Power consumption of an alternating-current with frequency 50 Hz:
     - electric engine – three-fase network with voltage 380 V, no more, W 1 500
     - control curcuit - monophase network with voltage 220 V, no more, W 40

* in case of SM flapper usage.

Weigh hopper "Norma-СБ" may be equipped with a thumper (a device for compaction of a product in a bag).

The information from the hopper scales may income on a remote computer.

The enterprise services assembling and commissioning works, warranty service and extended service.

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