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Vertical hammer mill А1-ДМ2Р-В

The mill is designed for grinding grains, chaffy, bean, corn, grain mix, oil cake, mill cake and other raw materials, except mineral ones. The mills are installed at the feedstuff plants.


The mill is designed for grinding grains, chaffy, bean, corn, grain mix, oil cake, mill cake and other raw materials, except mineral ones. The mills are installed at the feedstuff plants.


Name of indicators А1-ДМ2Р-22В А1-ДМ2Р-55В
1. Technical productivity for grinding barley with a moisture content
of not more than 15.5% with a bulk mass of at least 0.68 t/m3, t /hour, not less:
     - up to the 4th size group: 7,0 10,0
     - up to the 3rd size group: 4,5 8,0
     - up to the 2nd size group: 2,5 6,5
2. Total installed power, kW, not more 45 55
3. Rotor speed, RPM 3 000 3 000
4. The peripheral speed of the rotor hammers, m/s 154 ± 3 116 ± 3
5. Overall dimensions, mm, no more    
     - length 1 000 1 200
     - width 1 000 1 200
     - height 2 460
6. Crusher weight with feeder, kg 825 950

*The 4th size coarseness group is obtained when sieves with 6 mm holes and a combination of sieves with 6 and 8 mm holes are installed in the machine, the 3rd coarseness group is obtained when sieves with 5 mm holes are installed, the 2nd coarseness group is when installed sieves with holes of 3 mm diameter.

Increasing moisture will reduce machine performance. So, while humidity increases up to 20%, productivity decreases by 30%.

Design and operation:

The machine (Pic. 1) consists of: frame (1); covers (2); hammer rotor (3); receiver (4); feeder (5); explosion-discharge chambers (6); electric motor (9); sieve body (11); the mechanism for fastening the sieve body (12); doors (14).

The frame (1) is a welded structure on which the main crusher units are installed. The cover (2) is a removable bearing part of the crusher on which the crusher working bodies are installed.

The hammer rotor (3) is the main working body of the crusher. It is made in the form of three disks welded together. Bushings are installed on the spacer sleeves of the coupling axles, which serve to limit the movement of the hammers along the axes of their suspension. You can find the main dimensions of the installed hammers А1-ДМ2Р-В -22V.00.007 on Pic. 3.

The receiver (4) is a gravity flow design that ensures an even distribution of the flow of the crushed product into two flows. The feeder (5) is designed for uniform feeding of raw materials into the crushing chamber. The feeder is equipped with a manual flap for adjusting the grain supply and magnetic protection for separating metal-magnetic impurities.

Explosion-discharge chamber (6) is a device for deflecting an explosion in an emergency, has an outlet diameter of 250 mm. The explosion pipe is not completed. The electric motor (9) is installed with a flange on the cover. A hammer rotor is mounted on the motor shaft.

The sieve body (11) is a frame with sieves and is installed inside the body. The design of the sieve body provides for the possibility of replacing and installing worn-out sieves, clamps and decks. The diameter of the installed sieves ensures the grinding size. The design of the mechanism for fastening the sieve body (12) allows for quick installation and removal. Doors (14) provide access to the sieve body and hammers and allow maintenance of the working bodies. Only one of the doors is used to change the sieves.

Vertical hammer mill works according to the following scheme: the product is fed into the feeder, from where, being divided into two streams, it enters the crushing chamber and is crushed by rotor hammers. Hammers, hitting the grain on the sieve and decks, break it. Broken grains spill out through the sieve and are removed by gravity from the crusher.

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