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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Grinder ИС-1

Grinder ИС-1 is designed for grinding grains (wheat, rye, barley, pea, millet, rice, corn), while they are processed to manufacture flour, cereals, feedstuffs and forage mixes. The grinder is applied at flour and groats mills, feedstuff and forage facilities.


Grinder ИС-1 is designed for grinding grains (wheat, rye, barley, pea, millet, rice, corn), while they are processed to manufacture flour, cereals, feedstuffs and forage mixes. The grinder is applied at flour and groats mills, feedstuff and forage facilities.


The main advantage of this machine over hummer crusher is to obtain less flour in the final product due to the special geometry of the working body and fewer cutting whips. Also this Grinder more simple to repair and service. If the Customer have spare rotor, he can change it for 15 minutes. This reduces overall production line downtime. It is possible to manufacture the Grinder for the required performance.


Parameter ИС-1
1. Capacity, t/hour: 1 200
2. Installed power, kW: 5,5
3. Rotor speed rate, RPM: 2 850
4. Dimensions, mm:
     - length 1 030
     - width 670
     - height 1 100
5. Weight, kg: 190

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