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Українська версія сайту

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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Roller machine Р6-ВС-4 185х170

The compact roller mill Р6-ВС-4 185х170 is designed for grinding grain into flour with varietal and wallpaper grinding of wheat and rye, both in small-capacity mills and in private farms.


The compact roller mill Р6-ВС-4 185х170 is designed for grinding grain into flour with varietal and wallpaper grinding of wheat and rye, both in small-capacity mills and in private farms.

This machine also can be used in laboratory mill, for feedstuff producing and for flattening of grain.

The main working bodies of roller mills are two pairs of grinding rollers. Drums of grinding rollers are produced with smooth or corrugated work surface.

Technical specifications:

Parameter Р6-ВС-4 185х170
1. Technical performance, t/day 12
2. Nominal length of roller drum, mm 170
3. Installed power of drive motors, kWt 4
4. Dimensions, mm:
     - length 620
     - width 600
     - height 1 115
5. Weight, kg 455

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