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Drum sifter РБ-500

Drum sifter РБ-500 is designed for crop sorting, calibration, dividing of intermediate products of hulling and shelling, product control. For these purposes, there are sieves with different holes along drum length.


Drum sifter РБ-500 is designed for crop sorting, calibration, dividing of intermediate products of hulling and shelling, product control. For these purposes, there are sieves with different holes along drum length.

Drum sifter РБ-500 is usually installed at the grain and cereal processing lines with not very large productivity.


Indicator РБ-500
1. Technical capacity, kg/h 500
2. Installed capacity, max., kW 1,1
3. Drum rotation frequency, С-1 or RPM 0,48 (30)
4. Drum diameter, mm 500
5. Drum length, mm 1 200
6. Dimensions, mm, max.:
     - length 3 040
     - width 700
     - height 1 030
7. Weight, max., kg 470
8. Operating life, min., years 8

Design and principle of operation:

The basic units of the Drum sifter РБ-500 are drum, inlet and outlet casings, framework, fence, frame and nozzles for sieved product outlet.

The drum is working body of the Drum sifter. The drum is cylindrical body, which has mounted intermediate, inlet and outlet disks. There are sieves on these disks. The disks are fastened on the roller by longitudinal connections.

The drum rotates in supports with mounted double-line ball bearings. Drum rotation is carried out by gear motor, which installed on the roller trunnion.

There is the framework with dividers (fences) for collection and outlet of processed products in the lower part of the machine.

В нижней части расположен каркас с перегородками для сбора и вывода продуктов переработки.

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