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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Sunflower crushing machine РДП-1

Sunflower crushing machine РДП-1 is continuous motion machine designed for dehulling and crushing of sunflower seed and other oilseeds. It used at oil, feed and product industry.


Sunflower crushing machine РДП-1 is continuous motion machine designed for dehulling and crushing of sunflower seed and other oilseeds. It used at oil, feed and product industry. The machine dehulls the product and crushes it into 5-6 parts. The best effect will be reached if the customer use two or three machines consistently. Because one cycle doesn't give maximum effect of sunflower crushing.

Manufacturing category 3 of State Standard 15150 in climatic design. The category "У" is for the domestic market and export to countries with a temperate climate.


Name of indicators РДП-1
1. Productivity for sunflower processing with humidity of 6-8%, t/d* 40 - 50
2. Crushing coefficient, % 60 - 70
3. Frequency of rotor rotation, RPM (с-1) 2 850
4. Frequency of deck rotation, RPM (с-1) 675
5. Rotor diameter, mm 500
6. Deck diameter, mm 550
7. Airflow rate for aspiration, m3/h 1 000
8. Installed capacity, kWt:  
     - rotor drive 7,5
     - deck drive 1,1
9. Mains voltage, V 380
10. Dimensions, mm:  
     - length 1 400
     - width 750
     - height 1650
11. Weight, kg 550
12. Validity period without overhaul, years 3
13. Validity period, years 5
14. Failure-free operation, hours:  
     - rotor blades 1 680 - 2 500
     - deck 2 500 - 4 100

Note: *Technical characteristics are for seed sunflower with bulk density of 420 ÷ 440 kg/m3.

Results of testing РДП on industrial hemp and soybeans when passing through one machine:

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