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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Soybean crushing machine РДC-1

Soybean crushing machine is design soybean processing at oil industry in extraction process.


Soybean crushing machine is design soybean processing at oil industry in extraction process. The machine dehulls the product and crushes it into 5-6 parts. The best effect will be reached if the customer use two or three machines consistently. Because one cycle doesn't give maximum effect of soybean crushing.


Name of indicators РДС-1
1. Productivity of soybean processing with humidity up to 8%, t/day 40 - 50
2. Crushing coefficient, % 95 - 98
3. Frequency of lower disk rotation, RPM (с-1) 855 - 995
4. Frequency of upper disk rotation, RPM (с-1) 1 430
5. Lower disk diameter, mm 500
6. Upper disk diameter, mm 500
7. Airflow rate for aspiration, m3/h 700 - 1 000
8. Installed capacity, kWt:
     - lower disk drive 11,0
     - upper disk drive 7,5
9. Mains voltage, V 380
10. Dimensions, mm:
     - length 1 400
     - width 750
     - height 1 650
11. Weight, kg 570

Supply set:

Designation Name Quantity
РДС-1 Soybean crushing machine 1
  Adjusting key 2
РДС-1.РЭ Operating instructions 1
РДС-1.ПС Passport 1

Manufacturer guarantees:

1. Warranty period is 12 months since commissioning, but not more 15 months since loading.

2. The manufacturer guarantees the normal stable operation of the machine provided the customer observes the rules of transportation, storage and operation.

In the event that manufacturing defects are revealed during the warranty period, about which an act must be drawn up in the presence of a representative of the manufacturer, the manufacturer at its own expense eliminates the malfunctions as soon as possible.

3. The warranty does not cover parts of the product that wear out quickly, namely:

- working disks (РДС- «Upper disk» and РДС- «Lower disk»).

- belts, bearings, sealing collars.

The service life of the disks significantly depends on grain cleaning from mineral and metal impurities.

4. The equipment meets safety requirements for 3 years of operation before overhaul when the customer meets the requirements established in the operational documentation.

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