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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Block of indented cylinders Р6-БТЦ1-700

Block of indented cylinders Р6-БТЦ1-700 designed for sequential cleaning of flow grain from impurities differed in length. The block consists of 2 indented cylinders Р6-ТЦ-700, mounted one above the other due to intermediate frame.


Block of indented cylinders Р6-БТЦ1-700 designed for sequential cleaning of flow grain from impurities differed in length. The block consists of 2 indented cylinders Р6-ТЦ-700, mounted one above the other due to intermediate frame.

The first, grain goes through indented cylinders to remove short impurities from the grain. The second, the grain goes through indented cylinders to remove long impurities from the grain. Long and short impurities go out from the block through the nozzles.


Parameters Р6-БТЦ1-700
1. Productivity, t/hour 6,0
2. Efficiency of cleaning wheat grains from short impurities, %, min 70
3. Efficiency of cleaning wheat grains from long impurities, %, min 65
4. Power of drive, kW 2,2
5. Drum speed, RPM 38
6. Airflow rate for aspiration, m3/hour, no more 600
7. Dimensions, mm
     - length 4 077
     - width 1 034
     - height 2 695
8. Weight, kg 1 240

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