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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Plant Reconstruction

SIC AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD performs both the integrated design of grain processing plants, workshops and industrial buildings, as well as the comprehensive reconstruction of existing facilities. Reconstruction or technical re-equipment of the plant is considered as an alternative to new construction. Specialists of SIC AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD carry out an audit and a set of works that allows achieving the required level of production capacities and obtaining a higher quality of products, while making changes only in the technological cycle of the production process, which entails less financial investment than with new construction.

SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” performs system design of grain processing plants, shops and premises, and also system reconstruction of the existing facilities. Reconstruction or retrofitting are considered an alternative to new construction. SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” staff carry out audits and other activities, enabling to reach the required production rate and high quality products by altering only the process flow, which demands less investments than new construction.