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New buckwheat mill are going to be built in Chernihiv region

Demand for grain and cereal products is increasing. In April of this year, our company concluded the agreement for design, equipment supply, assembling and commissioning works of buckwheat mill in Chernihiv region (Ukraine). There is currently no industrial buckwheat mill in the region now.


New buckwheat

Modern Ukrainian flour and cereals industry certainly belongs to the socially important sectors of the agro-industrial complex. Demand for grain and cereal products is increasing. In April of this year, our company concluded the agreement for design, equipment supply, assembling and commissioning works of buckwheat mill in Chernihiv region (Ukraine). There is currently no industrial buckwheat mill in the region now.

As you know, the output and quality of cereals depends on the technology used in the design, the quality of the technological equipment and the quality of the grain (filminess, size, evenness, moisture, weediness, impurities etc.) Taking to account regional characteristics of buckwheat and its harvest volumes, we designed the technological scheme, which includes grain-cleaning section, hydrothermal treatment section, section of dehulling (peeling) and finished product control. Design capacity of buckwheat mill is 24-26 t/d of grain.

As of today, we prepared the batch of equipment, that completed the following machines: Steamers ПЗ, Dryers, Plansifters with set of quick-detachable sieves, Magnetic and Air separators, Sorting machines МСХ, Roll hullers СГР for buckwheat processing specially, transporting and aspiration equipment also. At present, the customer company is already constructing a steam boiler room, which will work using buckwheat husks, as well as the company carrying out general construction work to prepare the building for the installation of the equipment, before the equipment to be delivered.

We should say that we execute a large number of projects on time, thanks to the technological equipment of our production sites and facilities, a namely and including «BMZ GLOBALMETSERVIS LLC». The company's main activity is to manufacture various types of equipment using high-precision laser metal cutting machines, multifunctional sheet metal bending machines and modern CNC-machining technique. The powerful laser cutting machine is currently the only one in Ukraine! It has the ability to cut metals up to 50 mm thick with high precision and quality. Modern production facilities let fulfill orders of any complexity in the shortest possible time.

In spite of the war, the demand for our equipment is growing. In turn, we are strengthening our production capacity and thereby developing our potential opportunities. We will tell you soon about new major interesting projects from our company. Follow us.

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