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Scientific-industrial corporation
company with limited responsibility
In spite of bad weather conditions our company SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” provided the company in Barnaul with part of technological equipment. In accordance with a contract, the cereal buckwheat mill will be founded in Altay region.
In spite of bad weather conditions our company SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” provided the company in Barnaul with part of technological equipment. In accordance with a contract, the cereal buckwheat mill will be founded in Altay region (Barnaul city), and this processing line will completed with our equipment.
As we said earlier, we won tender of design and equipment supply for buckwheat mill with capacity 120 t/d. At present our production facilities work hard. In February, we already delivered part of technological equipment of buckwheat mill to Altay region. The following machines was delivered by two eurotrucks:
It should be noted in particular that so many contracts concluded for air separators supplying last time (since the beginning of this year). The Air separators of several productivity are designed for dividing grain crop dehulling products (collection of hull and hulling bran, hull control, and finished product control) and for grain cleaning and blowing off light impurities. Air separators can be used as separate pieces of equipment, for example, for separating husks and flour in mills, groats, oil presses and oil extraction plants, and in combination with grain separators at elevators, grain receiving and other grain processing enterprises.
We work and develop for you, dear clients! And we are glade to help and advise you. Contact us right now!
New batch of rollers for flake and crushed oilseed conditioning line
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