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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Supply of technological equipment to Turkey

As is well known, in Turkey, agriculture has become one of the most important sectors, providing not only food security but also a significant part of export profits. Too many cereal crops are grown here including wheat, corn, barley, rice, buckwheat, rye, and oats.


equipment for buckwheat processing

«Agricultural provides freedom and relative independence, because human beings who need food, etc. become enmeshed in social relations that are inimical both to their freedom and to their sense of self worth», - Jean-Jacques Rousseau said being great philosopher and writer. Today we can add to what has been said, that free trade, exchange of experience and technological innovation also create and add successful bonus for food independence.

And Mr Rousseau also added: «Land is the only source of wealth and only agriculture multiplies it». At present, our processing equipment partially multiplies the possibilities of large agricultural companies and farms to process grain crops into cereals, flakes, and flour, as our technological equipment works at many countries of the world now. At the end of last year, the company SIC "AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD" supplied a line of equipment for buckwheat processing to Turkey:

    • Steamers ПЗ-1 for cereal hydrothermal treatment in the flour and cereal industry. It designed for steaming and drying of grain, for flakes processing, for cereal (no cooking) processing. It also use at feed mills for feedstuff processing;
    • Roll hullers СГР-600, which designed for hulling buckwheat and millet at cereal processing facilities;
    • Table separators МСХ. It separates the grain of one crop due to differences in their physical and mechanical properties. This machine also sorts the grain hulling products from oat, rice, buckwheat and other cereals.

As is well known, in Turkey, agriculture has become one of the most important sectors, providing not only food security but also a significant part of export profits. Too many cereal crops are grown here including wheat, corn, barley, rice, buckwheat, rye, and oats. This Country offers ideal conditions for the agricultural sector with its good geography terms, rich soils and productive farmland. Turkey plans to continue to actively develop this sector in the future. It also explains the activation of negotiations with Turkish large cereal and flakes producers for the supply of our equipment.

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