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Scientific-industrial corporation
company with limited responsibility
The decisive factor in successful work in the field of grain processing is the high quality of the finished product and the maximum possible yield, approaching the natural content of the kernel in grain crops. This principle is strictly adhered to by SIC Agro-Simo-Mashbud when developing new technologies and equipment.
The decisive factor in successful work in the field of grain processing is the high quality of the finished product and the maximum possible yield, approaching the natural content of the kernel in grain crops. This principle is strictly adhered to by SIC Agro-Simo-Mashbud when developing new technologies and equipment.
Now that all the equipment has been delivered, installed, all commissioning works are completed and the plants are fully operational, you can evaluate the result. According to the customer, the actual yield of chopped peas in the processing of pea grain reaches 86-88%, the yield of oatmeal - 64.5%! For comparison, according to the current "Rules for the organization of the technological process at cereal enterprises", the rate of output of finished products during the processing of peas is normalized in the range of 73-77%, in the production of ground oat groats - 45.5%.
Thus, on the equipment and using the technologies of SIC Agro-Simo-Mashbud, the actual yield of finished products exceeds the standards for finished products up to 20%!
The main factor of such a record output of finished products on the pea processing line is the installation of a peeling and peeling machine СИМО ЦШС-3 (02), made by the authors of the development of the NGO Agro-Simo-Mashbud. The pea plant provides not only a high yield of chopped peas, but also provides improved quality indicators compared to similar machines. For example, only some of them:
100% peeling and cracking of peeled grain with preliminary separation of peas into two fractions;
after a centrifugal pea mill СИМО ЦШС-3 (02), peas have the appearance of polished peas without scuffing, whitish spots, and do not require additional grinding and polishing, which can significantly reduce the overall technological scheme and specific energy consumption.
New batch of rollers for flake and crushed oilseed conditioning line
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