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Scientific-industrial corporation
company with limited responsibility
The specific feature of the suggested buckwheat cereal processing is in manufacturing buckwheat cereal that meets first class quality requirements, and also in the process flow replaceability that allows processing millet grain into polished millet cereal. The process flow sequence provides for hydroseparation in case of high grain contamination with hardly removable impurities (white charlock, sunflower seeds, bad grains, wheat, oats, wild oats, barley, yellow-foxtail grass, capsicum, weed seeds, dust and stuck dirt, microbial flora etc.). This process is additional grain cleaning and it is especially important for dirty millet, which may be used for feedstuff only. The use of the washer for dirty millet hydroseparation enables to use it for food purposes.
The process flow provides for the application of steamers and steam dryers, which allow to use waste heat for the process. This ensures not only stabilization of grain hydrothermal treatment modes and enhancement of its process features, but also hydrothermal treatment intensification on the whole and steam flow reduction by 16…23%.
The use of roll hullers SGR-600 and SGR-400 enables to lower specific energy consumption for buckwheat hulling, improve hulling factor in all sizes by 15 - 25% and reduce the quantity of damaged kernels. Higher efficiency of separating weed impurities, and improvement of the grain process properties, compared to the existing technology, enables both to increase hulled buckwheat grain output by 3...6% and improve its quality. The quality of manufactured cereal meets the requirements to a first class cereal. At the same time there is GOST of the first class hulled grain due to the low performance of the equipment for separating impurities that are hard to remove.
The use of the suggested industrial process enables to achieve the grain output of up to 73,5% with crushed grain content of up to 2,0%. Millet production output reaches 70% (according to the existing technology the millet output does not exceed 60%).