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Українська версія сайту

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Groats mini factory Р6-МКЦ-15

Groats mini factory is designed to operate in farms for barley, wheat and pea processing.


Groats mini factory is designed to operate in farms.

This Groats mini factory is designed for barley, wheat and pea processing for the following product:

  • from barley grain: pearl barley cereal No 1, 3, 4, or barley croup No 1, 2, 3;
  • from wheat grain: cereal “Poltavsky” No 1, 3 and cereal No 2, 3 by ТУ У 46.22.002-94;
  • from pea: whole hulled pea of the first class, and split hulled pea of the first class.

Main technical data and characteristics:

Parameter Р6-МКЦ-15
1. Technical productivity in the cereal processing into the pearl barley No 1, 3, 4, t/day 12
     - total output, %: 60 - 65
     - including pearl barley cereal No 1, % 52 - 55
     - barley cereal No 3, % 4 - 5
     - pearl barley cereal No 4, % 4 - 5
     - waste, % 35 - 40
2. Technical productivity in the processing of barley into barley cereal No 1, 2, 3, t/day 15
     - total output, % 65 - 70
     - including barley cereal No 1, % 15 - 16
     - barley cereal No 2, % 40 - 42
     - barley cereal No 3, % 10 - 12
     - waste, % 30 - 35
3. Technical productivity in the processing of wheat into the cereal wheat No 2, 3 by ТУ У 46.22.002-94, t/day 15
     - total output, % 70 - 75
     - including cereal No 2, % 5 - 10
     - cereal No 3, % 65 - 70
     - waste, % 25 - 30
4. Technical productivity in the processing of wheat into the cereal “Poltavsy”, t/day 12
     - total output, % 70 - 75
     - waste, % 25 - 30
5. Technical productivity in the processing of pea into whole hulled or split hulled cereal pea, t/day 12
     - total output, % 75 - 80
     - including whole hulled pea, % 15 - 20
     - split hulled pea, % 55 - 60
     - waste, % 20 - 25
6. Sieving surface, m2 19,7
     - including pea sieving surface, m2 10,0

     - for barley and wheat, m2 9,7
7. Transporting of grain and other raw product pneumatic
8. Individual and group drive:  
9. Number of electric drives, pcs. 10
10. Total power of installed electric engines, kW, max 64
11. Actual Power consumption , kW, max:  
     - barley cereal 50
     - pearl barley cereal 55
     - wheat cereal 50
     - cereal «Poltavsky» 55
     - pea 40
12. Power supply voltage, V 380 ± 38
13. Service staff, persons. 2
14. Dimensions in mounted condition, mm, max:  
     - length 7 500
     - width (without fan unit) 6 300
     - height (with frame) 5 200
15. Weight, kg, max 10 000

Design and principle of operation:

Transporting of grain and other product is carried out by pneumatic sFystem. This pneumatic system includes fan, dischargers rig, air ducts, gravities, product pipes with pneumatic receivers. The grain leaves loading module for the grain storage by transporter and pipes system. The grain storage has level sensors.

Then the grain leaves grain storage for two parallel connection shelling machines. Cleaners are placed in these machines depending on kind of processed raw grain. Processed shelled grain moves into milling section for rolls dehuller block. It includes two roller machines Р6-ВС.185х250. If customer needs pearl barley, croup "Poltavskaya" or pea cereal, the product doesn't go to roller machines Р6-ВС.185х250, but it goes to the plansifter.

Groats mini factory
Groats mini factory

Product structure and delivery set:

Groats mini factory is complex of dehulling, grinding, milling and pneumatic transport electric equipment. Groats mini factory Р6-МКЦ-15 was renewed. The old dehuller machines Р6-МШ were changed with modern machines МШХ.

Delivery set includes:
1. Module of loading 1
2. Grain storage 1
3. Dehuller 2
4. Block of Roll dehuller (2 machines Р6-ВС.185х250) 1
5. Plansifter 1
6. Discharger rig 1 set.
7. Product pipes set.
8. Fan unit 1
9. Gravities set.
10. Air ducts set.
11. Frame 1
12. Platform for service of roll hullers 1
13. Magnetic separator 7
14. Module of waste collector 1
15. Electric equipment set.
16. Bed of the groats mini factory 1
17. Spare parts set  

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