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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Equipment for universal cereal mill. Spelta production

A joint company between the Netherlands and Moldova has launched a new universal cereal mill for spelta production. The basic equipment of this mill is produced by SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD”.


A joint company between the Netherlands and Moldova has launched a new universal cereal mill for spelta production. The basic equipment of this mill is produced by SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD”. 100% of cereal of this production exported to European countries. 60% of this product is flakes and flour.

As we said earlier we export our equipment for this large customer. We supplied this company with the machines for cereal processing and spelta / pea production. The basic machines in this line are: Impact dehuller СИМО ЦШС-3 and Peas shelling machine ЦШС-3 (02).

Well, why is spelta so popular in the world? How does it do health preservation?

Let's start to understand, what does spelta mean. Spelta is wheat progenitor. It's special semi-wild type of wheat. It has brittle spike and filmed grain. Spelta is soft type, but it has rigid shell. Spelta is richer in fibre then wheat. It’s necessary for balanced growth and development of the body.

Spelta has more protein then egg. 100 g of cereal includes 15 g of protein. Therefore, this product is so good and useful for those who on a diet and do physical activity. Spelta contains about 3% of fats only. Spelta grain contains 60% of carbohydrate! This carbohydrate is absorbed slowly by human. Its important for healthy diet. Spelta also contains amino acids, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, folic acid, sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, selenium, iron, vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP.

How does it “work”?

    • due to saturated protein, it restores the body's resources and strengthens the immune system;
    • helps to stabilize blood pressure;
    • positively affects the work of the heart;
    • normalizes and improves digestive function;
    • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
    • works as an absorbent and removes accumulated toxins from the body;
    • it lowers cholesterol;
    • strengthen the nervous system, relieve irritation and nervous stress;
    • helps to strengthen hair and nails.

Due to high share of dietary fiber, spelta is hearty meal for people. By the way, spelta has minimum gluten. It allowed to allergy sufferers, pregnant women, people with diabetes mellitus and extra weight people.

We are happy that this useful product is produced due to technological equipment of SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD”. Our equipment has gained authority and popularity among large producers of cereals, cereals and flour.

Contact us right now!

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