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Scientific-industrial corporation


company with limited responsibility


Equipping infant food factories by technological equipment

In October of this year, SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” has supplied technological equipment for hydrothermal treatment and for soybean processing at oil extraction industry. This equipment batch gone to Moldova.


оборудование для производства детского питания

In October of this year, SIC “AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD” has supplied technological equipment for hydrothermal treatment and for soybean processing at oil extraction industry. This equipment batch gone to Moldova.

The main type of activity of this customer company is cultivation, processing and sale of agricultural products including infant food. Special attention is given to continuous and targeted improvement of technological processes. As a result, the customer's finished products are successfully exported to a range of countries in Europe. Quality and reliability are confirmed by the use of the most modern technologies in production. For our part, we are grateful for the appreciation of our technological equipment and, consequently, for the trust in our company.

In this batch, we shipped the following types of equipment:

Our experts have noted time and time again how important hydrothermal treatment is in the grain processing. After the grain is cleaned of impurities, it is treated with hydrothermal treatment It means moisturising and heating with steam, using ПЗ Steamers. The grain is then subjected to a further humidifying and drying process. The most popular block-type Dryer ВС-10М is designed not only for grain drying. It is also designed for drying and hydrothermal treatment of ready cereal (groats).

Steamers, Dryers and Humidifiers manufactured by Company "AGRO-SIMO-MASHBUD" increase the yield of finished products from 5 to 12%, improve grain process features and enhance useful and organoleptic qualities of the finished product. The cereal colour becomes more even, it is cooked faster and gets more instant.


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